Pety’s Magical World I Brazil-Italy

Production design of the piloto animated series Pety’s Magical World, with the co-authorship of Elena Fedeli and direction by Anahí Borges (2014). Pety’s Magical World is a thirteen-episode animated series, with each chapter lasting fifteen minutes. In an ironic tone and through narrative episodes connected to the realism of wonder, it depicts Petrolina’s (or Pety, to her friends) adventures and her majestic feeling of omnipotence. The story takes place in Tutaméia, a small, imaginary Brazilian town on its way to industrialization, where the archaic lives alongside the modern, and the rural coexists with the urban.

Running time: 13 minutes

Production company: Aranhas Films

Countries: Brazil, Italy


Pety’s Adventures I Animation Film I Brazil-Italy


Awakening I Audiovisual Performance I Singapore-Brazil